Why is your website not generating the same income as big money companies?

Why is your website not generating the same income as big money companies?

By Watthana

It’s because the big money companies do what you’ve never done and you don’t do what the big money companies do. Big money companies don’t sell products to visitors.

There are three things that big money companies do.

1. They keep visitors engaged in their content.
2. They send leads to companies that pay them.
3. They have complete control over the website platform.

For example:

Pinterest is an image website and you probably have one before.
   Pinterest doesn’t take pictures and these are not their pictures.
   Pinterest Makes Millions Of Dollars Online And Never Sells It.

YouTube is a video site, YouTube does not create videos. This is not a YouTube video.

  YouTube makes millions of dollars online and never sells anything.

  YouTube sends pay-per-click leads and referrals to companies that pay them.

Blue and White Logo Guessing Game

Facebook is a profile site. Facebook does not create a profile.

  Facebook makes millions of dollars online and never sells. In a nutshell, companies that can earn millions of  dollars online attract visitors to contribute to their content. They send their leads to paying companies and have complete control over their website platform.

 It’s time for you to stop competing for sales with little men. Start playing in the big leagues with the leaders against the big teams.

Start playing now!

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